Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Time-Crunched Moms

When I became a stay-at-home mom after a four year career as an elementary school teacher I thought it was going to mean having a lot more time to do things around the house, like organize closets, make homemade dinners, etc. Then reality set in and I realized that taking care of an infant and a toddler is actually much more demanding time-wise than having a full-time job that involved being the only adult in a room with 20+ children at a time.

I found myself feeling like a slacker for not baking homemade bread and making my own playdough and all of those other things I fantasized about having the time to do as a SAHM. Last weekend, when we could barely make it out the door on time with everyone showered to go to a cookout being hosted by my husband's family, I was kicking myself for not finding the time to whip up some coleslaw or eclairs or something else delicious and homemade. But the truth is that I could barely find five minutes that morning or the night before, which would obviously not have been enough time to make anything of the sort.

So I got to thinking that there should be a place where moms can go (and dads too, should they find the need) where they can find 5 minute solutions to everyday issues, like what to bring to a cookout as in my case, or birthday treats for Susie to take to the classroom and so on. My intention with this blog is to create such a space and help some of my fellow moms in the process.

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